AMS Grant Writing Workshops and Technical Assistance (AMSTA)

Launched in 2014, this project funded by USDA Agricultural Marketing Service and National Institutes of Food and Agriculture shared knowledge through in-person grant writing workshops and additional tools and materials provided through the AMSTA website. In Phase I, 137 state trainings focusing on effective grant-writing practices, with an emphasis on USDA’s Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion Programs, were were held in all 50 states, plus Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, reaching more than 3,000 participants. In Phase II, the program was re-offered in states identified by the USDA as highest priority, providing technical assistance to individuals and businesses who had been awarded an AMS grant and were carrying out their funded projects.

Funding Agency: USDA Agricultural Marketing Service; USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Principal Investigator: Stephan Goetz

Lead Institution: NERCRD

Accompanying Institution(s): Western Rural Development Center, Southern Rural Development Center, and North Central Rural Development Center, and Penn State

Start Date: January, 2014   End Date: December, 2018

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