Call for proposals for NACDEP 2020
October 31, 2019
Consideration is given to a wide range of community development topics including economic development, diversity and inclusion, human capacity building, community resilience and sustainability, infrastructure, natural environment, building capacity within government and organizations and tourism. Options include 30-minute presentation, 90-minute workshop, 15-minute REAL Talk, 3-minute Pitch Fest, 3-hour pre or post workshop and poster.
Deadline for submission is Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at 11:59pm. Submit your Proposal(s) via the FastTrack System
New for 2020
Innovative Program Forum – What’s your Pitch?
We are having an Innovative Program Forum called Pitch Fest. This session allows you to pitch a new educational program idea to get feedback and identify interest colleagues. Each presenter will have up to 3 minutes to make a pitch and will receive feedback from a panel of judges and those in attendance.
Tips for a successful proposal submission
Check out our new video on submitting a successful proposal. We are also sharing a list of best practices and a worksheet for proposal preparation. Training is available to learn more about submitting a successful proposal. Contact Sue Cagle for information.
Come to beautiful Portsmouth on New Hampshire’s seacoast. We will celebrate our rich past and look to a vibrant future. Learn more about NACDEP 2020 Portsmouth, NH and lovely Portsmouth, NH including the conference location and hotel information.
For RFP questions please check NACDEP website or contact Molly Donovan or Sue Cagle from the Sessions Committee.